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2023 Solento Surf Festival | Seaside Beach Takeover

The weather wasn't great and neither were the waves. But those details didn't matter. The energy, the enthusiasm, the sense of community was buzzing all throughout the day and long after the sunset. 

The day started with a unique surf contest, commentated by Chris Cote, with special guest appearances from Kelly Slater and Rob Machado!

The community also enjoyed activations from partners such as the Wellness Experience from Alila Marea Beach Resort, the Putt Putt Course by Sunday Golf, Bike Demos from Electra, Board Demos from Dark Arts Surf, Hangout Zone by Sunbum and so much more! 

Of course, Solento couldn't throw a festival without a beach bar which was filled with happy beachgoers enjoying Solento Tequila, Kove, and Sierra Nevada.

The Seaside Beach Takeover flowed on until sunset with live music in the afternoon with incredible performances from Emily Afton, Jack Shields, and the members from Boostive. 

Thank you for the incredible day. See you all next year. 


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